OMERO.web API update

Monday 9th January, 2017

Will Moore

Talk outline

  • Current state of OMERO.web API
  • What do we want for the 'new' API?
  • Work done so far
    • New 'api' app
    • Updates to Blitz Gateway
  • Questions still to answer

Current state of OMERO.web API (early 2016)

  • webgateway - "imgData", plate, list Projects, Datasets etc.
  • webclient, mixture between html and unstructured json data
  • jsTree 3 (Douglas) added several webclient/api/ urls for json data
    • Used iQuery queries built in webclient/
    • Filter by group, owner, pagination etc
    • Supports 'childCount' for display in jsTree
    • Uses 'projection' queries (no omero.model objects)
    • Lots of tests

What do we want for the 'new' API?

  • Current webclient/api/ would satisfy many user needs
  • Also want pixel data to build full client (E.g. ICY)
  • Use omero-marshal
  • Full CRUD functionality
  • Cover more objects - not just P/D/I S/P/W etc

Work done so far (Design)

Work done so far (Code)

  • Initial attempts to port webclint/api to webgateway (not merged) #4357 #4572
  • Re-focus on using omero_marshal. Support CRUD for Projects only: #4708
  • Move to new /api/ app: #4920
  • Add Datasets support (not merged) #4945
  • Move more iQuery logic to Blitz Gateway buildQuery() #4950
    • Filter Datasets by Project
    • Add childCount (needs to use 'projection' query)

Questions still to answer...

1) Objects to support for 5.3.0... Design #65

  • Currently support:
  • webclient/api supports:
    Project, Dataset, Image, Screen, Plate
  • Blitz Gateway wrappers: (not ROIs, Shapes, Channels etc)
    project, dataset, image, screen, plate,
    plateacquisition, acquisition, well,
    experimenter, experimentergroup,
    originalfile, fileset, annotations
  • omero_marshal support (not PlateAcquisition, Wells)
    >>> omero_marshal.ENCODERS
    {omero.model.DoubleAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.DetailsI: ,
     omero.model.AcquisitionModeI: ,
     omero.model.AffineTransformI: ,
     omero.model.Annotation: ,
     omero.model.BooleanAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.ChannelI: ,
     omero.model.TextAnnotation: ,
     omero.model.CommentAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.ContrastMethodI: ,
     omero.model.DatasetI: ,
     omero.model.DimensionOrderI: ,
     omero.model.Shape: ,
     omero.model.EllipseI: ,
     omero.model.ExperimenterI: ,
     omero.model.ExperimenterGroupI: ,
     omero.model.ExternalInfoI: ,
     omero.model.FormatI: ,
     omero.model.IlluminationI: ,
     omero.model.ImageI: ,
     omero.model.LabelI: ,
     omero.model.LineI: ,
     omero.model.LongAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.MapAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.PhotometricInterpretationI: ,
     omero.model.PixelsI: ,
     omero.model.PixelsTypeI: ,
     omero.model.PlateI: ,
     omero.model.PointI: ,
     omero.model.PolygonI: ,
     omero.model.PolylineI: ,
     omero.model.ProjectI: ,
     omero.model.RectangleI: ,
     omero.model.RoiI: ,
     omero.model.ScreenI: ,
     omero.model.TagAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.TermAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.TimestampAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.XmlAnnotationI: ,
     omero.model.PermissionsI: }

1b) What query params to support for each Object?

  • Project supports: owner, group, page, limit, child_count
  • Dataset also filters by: project, orphaned?
  • Annotations to filter by: project etc?
  • Shapes to filter by: roi? image?

2) Versioning

  • See Design Issues #64
  • How do we support multiple versions at once?
  • Do we distinguish minor from breaking changes? E.g. /v1.0/ or /v1/

3) Graph traversal

  • What to load by default?
  • How do users specify what else to load?
    E.g. api/images/1/?embed=Pixels,omero:format.value
  • What do we support?
    • load Datasets AND Images? (probably not)
    • load Wells AND Images? (probably?)
    • load Images AND Pixels? (almost certainly)

4) Marshalling details, etc. Issue #22

  • Project: 6 lines vv 50 lines with perms:
        "omero:details": {
            "owner": {
                "UserName": "will",
                "FirstName": "Will",
                "MiddleName": "",
                "omero:details": {
                    "@type": "TBD#Details",
                    "permissions": {
                        "canDelete": false,
                        "perm": "rw----",
                        "canEdit": false,
                        "canAnnotate": false,
                        "canLink": false,
                        "@type": "TBD#Permissions"
                "Email": "",
                "LastName": "Moore",
                "@id": 3,
                "@type": ""
            "group": {
                "omero:details": {
                    "@type": "TBD#Details",
                    "permissions": {
                        "canDelete": false,
                        "perm": "rwra--",
                        "canEdit": false,
                        "canAnnotate": false,
                        "canLink": false,
                        "@type": "TBD#Permissions"
                "@id": 5,
                "@type": "",
                "Name": "read-ann"
            "@type": "TBD#Details",
            "permissions": {
                "canDelete": true,
                "perm": "rwra--",
                "canEdit": true,
                "canAnnotate": true,
                "canLink": true,
                "@type": "TBD#Permissions"
        "Description": "",
        "@id": 13578,
        "@type": "",
        "Name": "API TEST foo"
  • Image (with Pixels, Format) 50 lines vv 130 lines with perms
        "Name": "438_01_R3D_D3D.dv",
        "omero:details": {},
        "Pixels": {
            "SizeT": 99,
            "Type": {
                "omero:details": {},
                "@id": 3,
                "@type": "TBD#PixelsType",
                "value": "int16"
            "SizeC": 2,
            "omero:sha1": "a296bee3c52ab4eb960adfb31442261ad683204f",
            "PhysicalSizeY": {
                "Symbol": "µm",
                "Value": 0.13262000679969788,
                "@type": "TBD#LengthI",
                "Unit": "MICROMETER"
            "omero:details": {},
            "PhysicalSizeZ": {
                "Symbol": "µm",
                "Value": 0.4000000059604645,
                "@type": "TBD#LengthI",
                "Unit": "MICROMETER"
            "SizeX": 512,
            "SizeY": 512,
            "SizeZ": 4,
            "PhysicalSizeX": {
                "Symbol": "µm",
                "Value": 0.13262000679969788,
                "@type": "TBD#LengthI",
                "Unit": "MICROMETER"
            "@id": 4101,
            "@type": "",
            "SignificantBits": 16
        "omero:series": 0,
        "omero:format": {
            "omero:details": {},
            "@id": 19,
            "@type": "TBD#Format",
            "value": "Deltavision"
        "@id": 4401,
        "@type": ""

5) Architecture

  • Web api and conn.getObjects() to use conn.buildQuery()?
  • Couples web api and Blitz Gateway #4950
conn.buildQuery("Dataset", opts={'child_count':True, 'project': 401})

# **NB: need to use queryService.projection() instead of findAllByQuery()
""" select obj, (select count(id) from DatasetImageLink chl where
 from Dataset obj
    join fetch obj.details.owner as owner
    join fetch obj.details.creationEvent
    join obj.projectLinks plink
 where = :pid"""

6) Read-Only for 5.3.0?

  • Saving Projects will unlink Datasets
  • Temp fix in #4930
  • Now we can't remove Datasets from a Project via API
  • This will get much more complex with other objects E.g. Images

7) Pagination, sorting

  • Probably should NEVER turn off pagination.
    E.g. /webclient/api/images/?page=0 lists ALL available images
  • Instead use ?limit=10000 to return a known limit of results
  • Use page=0 as first page instead of page=1
  • Use offset instead of page? (same as ParametersI API)
  • Support sorting by named attributes?

8) Use of Stateful services (for imgData json)?

  • Do we try to support everything that's in the current webgateway/imgData/id json?
  • E.g. use RenderingEngine for channel colors
  • Or maybe /api/channels/?image=:id

9) Documentation

  • Probably will have to be hand-written